GeoCalendar Ready 23.2.0+

GeoCalendar is the underlying component handling the grid and the interactions on GeoCalendarDropdown.


You should use GeoCalendarDropdown instead of this component since it's a nice wrapper to show calendars on a on-demand dropdown.


Prop name Type Default value Description
calendarNavigationSelectIcon array
function () {
  return ['fal', 'chevron-down']
Show description
closeCalendarIcon array
function () {
  return ['fal', 'times']
Show description
defaultFromDate date Show description
defaultToDate date Show description
earliestDate date Show description
fromInputPlaceholder string Show description
initialDateInGrid date
function () {
  return new Date()
Show description
inputRangeIcon array
function () {
  return ['fal', 'arrow-right']
Show description
latestDate date Show description
locale object Show description
nextDateInSelectedGranularityIcon array
function () {
  return ['fal', 'chevron-right']
Show description
previousDateInSelectedGranularityIcon array
function () {
  return ['fal', 'chevron-left']
Show description
toInputPlaceholder string Show description
popupClass string|array|object Show description
granularityId enumPropertyFactory({ componentName: 'GeoCalendarGranularityId', propertyName: 'granularityId', enumDictionary: GRANULARITY_IDS, required: true }) Show description
pickerDateUnit enumPropertyFactory({ componentName: 'GeoCalendar', propertyName: 'pickerDateUnit', enumDictionary: PICKER_DATE_UNITS, required: true }) Show description


Name Type Description
emit-from-date Date User set an initial date.
emit-to-date Date User set an end date.


Name Description

Use this slot to customize the sidebar with the different granularities handled by the calendar


Use this slot to include custom aliases that will automatically select a predefined set of ranges


Use this slot to customize the text in the button used to apply your earliest available date in the fromDate input


Use this slot to customize the text in the button used to apply your latest available date in the toDate input


This component has no exported constants.
